how wrestling points are scored

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Are you an avid wrestling enthusiast? Are you looking to better understand the scoring system used in a match? Well, look no further! In this post, we’ll be breaking down exactly how points are scored during a wrestling match so that you can get ahead of your competition and better understand what makes wins and loses.

How are takedowns scored in wrestling?

Wrestling takedowns are a thrilling part of any match and learning how they’re scored can help wrestlers increase their chances of winning. During a wrestle, a successful takedown is when one wrestler takes control over their opponent by bringing them to the mat with control. 

If the takedown is bloodless, meaning there are no illegal moves performed during the takedown, then each wrestler receives one point. If the opposite wrestler gets an escape or reversal afterward, they can earn a point as well. 

However, if illegal moves such as tripping or pushing are used during a successful takedown, then two points are awarded instead. Knowing how to score takedowns is vital for any serious wrestler aiming to win their next match.

What is a pin in wrestling and how is it scored?

Pinning is one of the most important concepts in wrestling – it’s often the difference between victory and defeat! A pin in wrestling is when a wrestler gets both shoulders of their opponent down on the mat for two seconds, immobilizing them. 

It’s similar to checkmate in chess, where a position can be deemed so untenable that it becomes impossible to proceed any further. The referee will be the judge of whether or not a pin was achieved, with some moves being more effective than others when looking to set up this winning scenario. 

If a pin is successful, then three points will be awarded for an official win in most cases. However, if opponents are competing against each other outside of an official meet then there may also be alternative ways to decide who won or lost. All in all, pinning is a crucial element of wrestling, and knowing how it works can make all the difference when you step into the ring!

How are reversals and escapes scored in wrestling?

Wrestling is a fast-paced, exciting sport that involves a great deal of technique and strategy to score points. One of the ways wrestlers score points is by reversing or escaping their opponents’ holds. 

Reversals occur when a wrestler turns his opponent’s hold on him into a hold on his opponent instead, and the wrestler who reversed earns the points. Escapes happen when one wrestler gets out of an opponent’s grip entirely or breaks contact with his opponent. 

In this case, the escapee earns points for having broken away from their opponents’ hold. Wrestling moves and scores quickly add up during a match as competitors jockey for domination – giving them plenty to grapple over!

What are the criteria for near falls in wrestling?

Wrestling is a great sport that relies on the athlete’s quickness and strength. The rules of the sport have been established to keep the game fair and enjoyable for all participants. 

One of these rules pertains specifically to near falls in wrestling. For a competitor to be awarded a near fall, they must meet several criteria. This includes having control over their opponent where one of their shoulders is kept held off the mat for two full seconds or longer, and at least one point of contact such as an arm or leg is applied over both of their opponent’s shoulders. 

Moreover, additional criteria depend on if this possession is due to an offensive or defensive move, which can alter the length of time needed for a near-fall to be recorded. Overall, these criteria provide order and fairness within the sport of wrestling and should always be taken into consideration before making a call on a near-fall situation.

Can penalty points affect the outcome of a match in wrestling?

Wrestling is known for its intense, competitive atmosphere and its matchups between two equally-matched opponents. But did you know that penalty points can play an important role in deciding the outcome of a match? 

Penalties are usually given for illegal techniques like holds and moves not allowed in wrestling matches. Depending on how severe the violation is, the referee may award one or more penalty points to the opponent, which can make all the difference in who wins and loses a round. 

Even though penalties are often seen as an unwelcome surprise, they certainly can have a huge impact on who takes home the victory. Knowing when the rules are broken and penalizing accordingly could be what decides a wrestling match!

What happens if both wrestlers score equal points in wrestling?

When it comes to wrestling, matches can often come down to who scores the most points. However, if both wrestlers end up achieving equal points throughout the match, then a tie is declared and both competitors are declared winners. 

While sharing the victory with another may seem unappealing, this result is not uncommon in wrestling; after all, it’s a sport where experience and skill can be evenly matched. 

A tie also serves as proof that although these athletes are competing against one another, they were ultimately able to put their abilities on display for all spectators to appreciate.

How does overtime work in wrestling matches?

When it comes to overtime in wrestling, the rules differ from promotion to promotion. More often than not, judges determine a winner, based on the number of takedowns or points awarded throughout the match. 

Sometimes there’s an extra round when the competitors are locked in a draw at the end of regulation time so that someone can ultimately be crowned the victor. Other matches may use sudden death overtime – if one wrestler scores first, that individual wins, and no further rounds are needed. 

Of course, this type of tie-breaker is risky for both wrestlers and may not always be best for entertainment value. Either way, you look at it, overtime is a crucial part of competitive wrestling and sets apart a great match from just an average one.


Overall, understanding how different points are scored in wrestling can help you better understand the dynamics of the sport. While getting to grips with scoring techniques requires dedication and practice, it’s possible to gain a comprehensive knowledge with time. As wrestling continues to grow in popularity, having an appreciation for how points are won will become increasingly important.

Kase Nipe

Kase Nipe

My name is Kase Nipe, and I’m a professional wrestler.
I’ve been in the business for about 2 years now, and it’s been an amazing journey.
Before I started my wrestling career, I had a bar in Fairmount, Philadelphia, for 7 years named Kase’s Box. In the last 2 years of the bar, I started getting interested in wrestling, which took up most of my time.
Eventually, I decided to quit the bar and become a wrestler full-time!

About Me

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