What to Expect on Day 1 of Wrestling Practice

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Practicing wrestling can be daunting, especially if you don’t know what to expect. Here’s a quick rundown of what you can expect on your first day of wrestling practice.

You’ll learn the basic stances, how to fall and get back up, and some takedowns. Most importantly, you’ll have fun while getting a great workout!

What to do before wrestling practice?

Before wrestling practice, it’s important to properly prepare yourself to get the most out of practice. This includes ensuring you have your wrestling gear and any necessary medical supplies for the session.

Stretching and dynamic warmups are vital in preventing injury and helping your body stay at peak performance during practice. Additionally, make sure to fuel up with energy sources and remain hydrated throughout the session.

Eating a balanced meal 2-3 hours before practice is a great way to make sure you’re fuelled up and ready to go. Finally, having a positive attitude going into practice will help channel your efforts towards improvement and get the best out of each session.

What should I learn first in wrestling?

Learning wrestling basics first is the key to success in this demanding sport. Before you start worrying about fancy techniques and advanced strategies, focus on acquiring a solid foundation of skills and understanding of how to stay safe as you practice your craft.

First on the list should be learning proper stance and movement, so you can move your body most efficiently and effectively as possible. Additionally, get familiar with basic takedowns like the single leg, which will give you control of your opponent while they are on their back.

With the right training and patience, all these elements together can form a playbook of successful moves that will give you an edge in any match.

How many hours a day do wrestlers workout?

Professional wrestlers typically spend several hours per day in rigorous workouts to stay in peak physical condition. These demanding workouts are a combination of strength and conditioning training, cardio exercises, and moves designed to help them fine-tune their timing and reaction speed.

Depending on their level of commitment and ambition, some wrestlers might work out for up to four or five hours a day. However, they need to restore any energy lost due to extensive exercise with a restorative diet and nutritional plan that helps keep them ready for their next session.

What are the 7 basic skills of wrestling?

Wrestling requires a blend of physical strength, size, agility, and strategy to succeed. The seven basic skills of wrestling are takedowns, exchanges, escapes, reversals, pinning combinations, and riding.

Takedowns involve taking your opponent down to the mat with a combination of balance and strength. Exchanges involve quickly shifting from offense to defense to put yourself at an advantage. Escapes involve breaking free from your opponent’s grip and getting back on the offensive.

Reversals involve turning a defensive situation into one where you can control your opponent more easily. Pinning combinations involve utilizing various techniques to try to pin your opponent down for three seconds.

Lastly, riding involves controlling your opponent on the mat for a sustained period so you can score points or execute a move or combination.

It is these seven basic skills that form the foundation of wrestling which all wrestlers must know before they attempt any complicated move or maneuvers on the mat.

Why is wrestling practice so hard?

Wrestling practice is often referred to as the toughest sport. Many people would be surprised to learn that wrestling isn’t just about physical strength and skill; it relies heavily on mental discipline as well.

Wrestlers learn how to endure intense physical contact and use their strength, agility, and reflexes to outwit their opponents. The mental battles before, during, and after a match can be grueling, and wrestlers must focus sharply to win.

Additionally, coaches drill the fundamentals of wrestling into their athletes until they become second nature. In short, wrestling may be one of the most physically demanding sports out there but the training behind it is even harder.


Wrestling is one of the most physically demanding and mentally challenging sports out there. While wrestling may seem intimidating at first, by following some basic steps and familiarizing yourself with key concepts, you can very well make your way to becoming an expert wrestler in no time.

From researching what to do before practice and learning the seven essential skills to figuring out how many hours a day wrestlers workout, these ideas will help give you a starting point and make sure you’re well-equipped for practice.

With that being said, don’t forget why wrestling is considered so hard it requires both physical endurance and mental tenacity to stay on top of your game.

However, the rewards for pushing past the challenge are immense. Who knows? Maybe with enough dedication and hard work, you can even make it to the Olympics one day!

Kase Nipe

Kase Nipe

My name is Kase Nipe, and I’m a professional wrestler.
I’ve been in the business for about 2 years now, and it’s been an amazing journey.
Before I started my wrestling career, I had a bar in Fairmount, Philadelphia, for 7 years named Kase’s Box. In the last 2 years of the bar, I started getting interested in wrestling, which took up most of my time.
Eventually, I decided to quit the bar and become a wrestler full-time!

About Me

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